Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
3/10/2025 - 6:30 PM  
Curriculum and Instruction  
13.3 2025-26 Elementary Math Textbook Adoption, Phase 2  
Strategic Plans:
File Attachment:
The Curriculum Department, in partnership with the elementary school teachers and administration, is recommending adoption of Into Math for implementation in grades K and 1, beginning with the 2025-2026 school year. Into Math is currently already being used in grades 2-5.

Textbook: Into Math (Grades K and 1)
Publisher: HMH
Copyright: 2020

HMH's Into Math supports students as they develop their conceptual understanding and grow into procedurally fluent mathematicians. Lessons begin with the opportunity for students to express what they already know and challenge themselves with what might be coming next. Question prompts throughout lessons check understanding and motivate students to start conversations about mathematics using mathematical language. The progression of topics forms coherent learning arcs designed to build a foundation of conceptual understanding before teaching procedures. Opportunities for application are found throughout, and an emphasis is placed on connections between concepts and skills.

This item is being presented for information this evening and will be brought back for Board of Education approval at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Materials will be made available for parents and families to preview at each of our elementary school buildings.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Brenda Miller - Director of Curriculum
Signed By:  
Mr. Darrell Yater - Superintendent