Public Agenda
TYPE: Organizational Meeting
DATE: 1/11/2025 TIME: 7:30 AM
LOCATION: School District Board Room
DETAILS: 3240 Banning Rd, 45239
1.1 Pledge of Allegiance Info
Request all to rise for the Pledge of Allegiance.
2.1 Call of the Roll Info
Call of the Roll
Board President calls the roll.
3.1 Motion to Adopt Agenda Action
The Board President recommends to adopt the agenda as presented.
4.1 Nomination of the President Info
The Chairperson Pro Tempore will call for nominations for the election of President of the Northwest Board of Education for the year 2025. ________________ nominates _______________ to serve as President of the Northwest Board of Education. ________________ nominates _______________ to serve as President of the Northwest Board of Education. ________________ nominates _______________ to serve as President of the Northwest Board of Education.
4.2 Election of President Info/Action
______________ was elected as President of the Board of Education for 2025.
The Chairperson will call for a verbal vote of those nominated as President for 2025. The first candidate to receive a majority vote wins the nomination.
4.3 Official Oath - President of the Board Info
“I __________________, do hereby affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Ohio, that I will faithfully and impartially perform the duties of President of the Board of Education of the Northwest Local School District, Hamilton County, Ohio, to the best of my ability, and in accordance with the laws now in effect and hereinafter to be enacted, during my continuance in said office, and until my successor is elected and qualified.”
4.4 Nomination of the Vice President Info
The President will call for nominations for the election of Vice President of the Northwest Board of Education for the year 2025. ________________ nominates _______________ to serve as Vice President of the Northwest Board of Education. ________________ nominates _______________ to serve as Vice President of the Northwest Board of Education. ________________ nominates _______________ to serve as Vice President of the Northwest Board of Education.
4.5 Election of Vice President Action
_________________ was elected as Vice President of the Board of Education for 2025.
The President will call for a verbal vote of those nominated as Vice President of the Board of Education for the year 2025. The first candidate to receive a majority vote wins the nomination.
4.6 Official Oath - Vice President of the Board Info
“I __________________, do hereby affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Ohio, that I will faithfully and impartially perform the duties of Vice President of the Board of Education of the Northwest Local School District, Hamilton County, Ohio, to the best of my ability, and in accordance with the laws now in effect and hereinafter to be enacted, during my continuance in said office, and until my successor is elected and qualified.”
4.7 Establishing Time and Place of Board Meetings Info/Action
The regular meetings of the Board of Education for Calendar year 2025 will be held on the dates, times and locations designated as attached.
The President recommends the Board of Education approve the times and places for the Calendar year 2025 as listed.
4.8 Student Achievement Liaison Team Info/Action
The Board of Education nominates and appoints _____________ to represent the Student Achievement Liaison for the Board for 2025.
The Board of Education nominates and appoints _____________ to represent the Student Achievement Liaison for the Board for 2025.
4.9 Legislative Liaison Info/Action
The Board of Education nominates and appoints ______ to represent as the Legislative Liaison for the Board for 2025.
The Board nominates and appoints _________ to represent as the Legislative Liaison for the Board for 2025.
4.10 Recognition of Board Attorneys Action
The Board recognizes the following Board Attorneys: Dinsmore - Workers Compensation and Financing Finney Law - Board of Revisions Ennis & Britton
The President recommends to recognize the Board Attorneys as listed.
4.11 OSBA Membership Dues for 2025 - $9,281.00 Action
Approval of OSBA membership dues.
The President recommends the approval of membership dues for OSBA as listed.
4.12 OSBA Legal Assistance Fund Membership Resolution Info/Action
Whereas, the Northwest Local Board of Education wishes to support the efforts of other boards of education to obtain favorable judicial decisions and, Whereas, the Ohio School Boards Association Legal Assistance Fund has been established for this purpose, Therefore, the Board hereby resolves to participate in the OSBA LAF for calendar year 2025 and authorizes the treasurer to pay the LAF $250.
The President recommends the Board of Education approve the membership of the OSBA Legal Assistance Fund as listed.
4.13 Establish the Board Service Fund Info/Action
Per ORC 3315.15, The Board of Education may by resolution set aside each year from the general fund a sum not to exceed two dollars for each child enrolled in the district, or twenty thousand dollars, whichever is greater.
The President recommends the Board of Education approve the board service fund as listed.
4.14 Authorization of Official Signatures Action
The Board of Education authorizes the President and the Treasurer to be the official signers for payment of funds for the Board of Education, and further authorizes that one signed check on all Board of Education accounts, and that the President’s signature and the Treasurer’s signature may be a facsimile.
The President recommends the Board of Education approve the authorization of official signatures as listed.
4.15 Authorization for the Treasurer to Pay Bills Action
The Board of Education authorizes the Treasurer to pay bills as they are presented, within availability of funds, report all bills paid monthly to the Board of Education, and to include bills not paid due to unavailability of funds.
The President recommends the Board of Education authorize the Treasurer to pay bills as listed.
4.16 Investment of Inactive and Interim Funds and Commercial Paper Action
The Board of Education authorizes the Treasurer to invest inactive and interim funds at the most productive interest rate and according to Board policy, whenever inactive and interim funds are available. The Board of Education authorizes the Treasurer to invest up to a maximum of forty percent (40%) of the District's interim funds in either of the following: Commercial paper notes issued by a for-profit corporation, business trust or association, real estate investment trust, common-law trust, unincorporated business, or general or limited partnership which has assets exceeding $500,000,000.
The President recommends the Board of Education authorize the Treasurer to invest inactive and interim funds and Commercial Paper as listed.
4.17 Designee for Public Records Training Action
Per ORC 109.43(B) and 149.43(E)(1), a member of the Board of Education or designee must receive 3 hours of Public Records Training for each term of office. The Board of Education designates Elizabeth Whitt for training on behalf of the Northwest Local Schools Board of Education for the current term of office.
At the prerogative of the Board of Education, we designate Elizabeth Whitt for Public Records Training for the current term of office on behalf of the Northwest Local Schools Board of Education.
4.18 Tax Incentive Review Council Designee for Hamilton County, Green Township, and Colerain Township Action
Per ORC Section 5709.85, the Board of Education must designate a representative to serve on the Tax Incentive Review Councils for Hamilton County, Green Township, and Colerain Township. The Board of Education designates Amy Wells and/or Elizabeth Whitt.
The President recommends at the prerogative of the Board of Education, to designate Amy Wells and/or Elizabeth Whitt for the Tax Incentive Review Councils for Hamilton County, Green Township, and Colerain Township on behalf of the Northwest Local Schools Board of Education.
4.19 Approve Student Activity Accounts Action
The Board of Education authorizes the Student Activity Accounts to be active for fiscal years 2025 and 2026.
The President recommends the Board of Education approve the student activity accounts as listed.
4.20 Appoint Fiscal Officer for Student Activity Accounts Action
The Board of Education appoints the Superintendent to be the sign-off officer of all student activity programs and he shall present these programs to the Board of Education once each year. He will also have the authority to approve and/or modify the student activity budgets throughout the year.
The President recommends the Board of Education appoint the Superintendent as the fiscal officer for student activity accounts as listed.
4.21 Approve Board Member Benefits Action
Pursuant to House Bill 369, dated October 17, 1985, and Resolution #40-85, dated December 9, 1985, the current Board Members may exercise their option to participate in the District’s employee benefit plans at the Board member’s expense. Monthly Premium Anthem HDHP (1/1/25) Single $ 714.86 Family $ 1,913.06 Vision (1/1/25) (Essential) Single $ 6.94 (Essential) Family $17.20 (Enhanced) Single $21.14 (Enhanced Family $52.36 Dental (1/1/25) Single $ 40.58 Family $ 84.36 Life $ 2.06 Rates are per month and may change per plan year. The health insurance plan year is currently January 1 through December 31. The dental insurance plan year is currently January 1 through December 31. The vision insurance plan year is currently January 1 through December 31. The life insurance rate is based on a term rate of a $29,000.00 benefit.
The President recommends the Board of Education approve the board member benefits as listed.
4.22 Records Retention Action
The attached records are being presented for recognition and will be submitted for approval to destroy through the Historical Society as reviewed by the Records Commission.
The President recommends the Board of Education recognize the following records for disposal as listed.
4.23 Resolution to Approve the FY26 Tax Budget Action
WHEREAS, the Northwest Local Board of Education at its meeting on January 06, 2025 received the following tax budgets for the period July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2026 (FY26). 1. From the Superintendent and Treasurer for Current Operating Expenses (General Fund) in the total amount of $113,011,532. 2. From the Treasurer, for Retirement of Bonded Debt (Bond Fund) in the total amount of $3,911,732 3. From the Treasurer, for Permanent Improvements in the amount of $6,052,644.79 WHEREAS, Public Hearing was held on January 6, 2025, pursuant to a notice published in the Cincinnati Enquirer on December 18th, 2024. WHEREAS, copies of said budgets have been available for public inspection for at least ten (10) days in the Office of the Treasurer and on the District website, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the FY26 Budget for the General Fund in the amount of $113,011,532, for the Bond Retirement Fund in the amount of $3,911,732 for the Permanent Improvement Fund in the amount of $6,052,644.79 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Treasurer be, and is hereby directed to file copies with the Hamilton County Auditor as required by law.
The Treasurer recommends that the Board of Education approve the resolution as listed.
4.24 Resolution of Blanket Certification Action
The Treasurer may issue "blanket" purchase orders (certificates) for a sum not exceeding $25,000 established by this resolution of the Board against any specific line item account over a period of time, not to extend beyond the end of the fiscal year in which it is issued. Only one (1) "blanket" purchase order (certificate) may be outstanding at any one (1) particular time for any one (1) particular line item appropriation.
The Treasurer recommend the Board of Education approve the Resolution of Blanket Certification as listed.
4.25 Annual Fund-to-Fund Transfer Action
Annual Fund-to-Fund transfer from General Fund to the following Athletic Funds for transportation: 300-9401 $28,500.00 CHS Athletic 300-9513 $28,500.00 NWHS Athletic 300-9604 $ 1,000.00 WOMS Athletic 300-9805 $ 1,000.00 CMS Athletic 300-9003 $ 1,000.00 PRMS Athletic
The Treasurer recommends the Board of Education approve the Annual Fund-to-Fund Transfer items as listed.
4.26 Rebate/Reward Program Acceptance Action
Acceptance of the following Rebate/Reward Programs: PNC Purchasing Card Rebate 2023 (received in 2024) $10,427.25 FIS Integrated Payables Rebate $10,725.16 Southwestern Ohio EPC Rebate $27,588.18 Kroger Rewards - points accumulated are not used at this time.
The Treasurer recommends the Board of Education accept Rebates and Rewards as listed.
4.27 Appointment of Purchasing Agent Action
The Board of Education authorizes the Director for Business Services as the Superintendent’s designee to serve as the purchasing agent for the school district.
The Superintendent recommends the Board of Education approve the appointment of the purchasing agent as listed.
4.28 Recognition of Booster/Support Organizations Action
The Board recognizes the following Booster/Support Organizations as attached.
The Superintendent recommends the Board of Education recognize the Booster/Support Organizations as listed.
5.1 Board President Calls for Adjournment Action
Board President calls for adjournment.
The Board President asks for a motion and second for adjournment.