Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
1/11/2025 - 8:15 AM  
10.1 Neola Board Policies Updates  
Strategic Plans:
File Attachment:
po0142.1 - Oath.pdf
po0151-Organizational Meeting.pdf
po0152 - Officers.pdf
po0152 - Presiding Officer.pdf
po0155 - Committees.pdf
po0164 - Notice of Meetings.pdf
po0165 - Board Meetings NEW.pdf
po0165.1 - Regular Meetings RECINDED.pdf
po0165.2 - Special Meetings RESCINDED.pdf
po0166 - Agendas NEW.pdf
po0167.2 - Executive Session RENUMBERED.pdf
po0167.7 - Personal Communication Devices RENUMBERED.pdf
po0173 - Board Officers RESCINDED.pdf
po1011 - Definitions.pdf
po1130 - Conflict of Interest.pdf
po2265 - Protections of Individual beliefs NEW.pdf
po3113 - Conflict of Interest.pdf
po4113 - Conflict of Interest.pdf
po4120.08 - Employement of personnel for co or extra-curricular activities.pdf
po4121 - Criminal History Record Check.pdf
po5131 - Student Transfers.pdf
po5136 - Personal Communication Devices.pdf
po5136.01 - Electronic Equipment.pdf
po5200 - Attendance.pdf
po5500 - Student Conduct.pdf
po5780 - Student Parent Rights.pdf
po6110 - Grant Funds.pdf
po6111 - Internal Controls.pdf
po6112 - Cash Managment of Grants.pdf
po6114 - Cost Principles.pdf
po6220 - Budget Preparation.pdf
po6320 - Purchasing and Bidding.pdf
po6325 - Procurement Federal Grants.pdf
po6460 - Vendor Relations.pdf
po6550 - Travel Payment.pdf
po7310 - Disposition of Surplus Property.pdf
po7450 - Property Inventory.pdf
po7530.01 - Board Owned Technology.pdf
po7530.02 - Staff use of PCD.pdf
po7540.03 - Student Tech Acceptable Use.pdf
po7540.04 - Staff Tech Acceptable Use.pdf
po7540.09 - Artificial Intelligence NEW.pdf
po8310 - Public Records.pdf
po9160 - Public Attendance at School Events.pdf
The following 44 new, revised or rescinded Neola Board Policies are being presented for information. They will be presented for approval at the next regular board meeting.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Marta Cacini - Executive Administrative Assistant
Signed By:  
Mr. Darrell Yater - Superintendent